» Материалы за 29.01.2012

phpFox SEO / Sitemap

SEO / Sitemap optimizes phpFox social network for SEO (Search Engine Optimization). SEO module allows site admins to customize titles, Meta keywords, Meta descriptions for most page contents in their social networks, this makes these contents be more SEO-friendly. In addition, this module also supports sitemap generation for all network contents which boosts site visibility in search engines.
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phpFox M2B-Advanced Wall

Like Facebook Wall, Advanced Wall plugin empowers users to engage in phpFox site activities by posting messages with emoticons, tagging friends within a message, and filtering feeds to be shown on their walls. In addition, users are able to have a quick view of content from a link.

Key Features
Friend Tagging allows you to more effectively mention your friends.
Allow user to attach emoticons when posting
Auto parse link when posting content has a link
Allow user to filter feeds by feed types
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phpFox Profile Panel Manager

phpFox Profile Panel Manager

Due to popular demand, we are pleased to announce the updated release of the Profile Panel Manager product from RAEL phpFoX Mods & Plugins. This phpFoX product allows the administrator to seperate custom fields into different panels on user profiles - so instead of having all your custom fields in the 'Basic Info' section, or in an individual block per field, you can easily separate it into multiple lists; for example 'Basic Info', 'Life Style', 'Appearence' etc and assign different custom fields to these sections.
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phpFox User Document /Scribd iPaper

Document plugin leverages Scribd’s features (www.scribd.com). Document plugin includes many features that help users manage their documents easily. Most document types (.pdf, .docx, .pptx, .xls, etc…) can be uploaded and shared among network members. In addition, documents on Scribd site can be viewed directly online without using any reading plugin / software. On-page action feature allows site admin to edit / delete / set feature to members’ documents in just a click. Also, statistic block helps promote site by highlighting total views, total likes, and total documents.
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phpFox User Document /Scribd iPaper

phpFox User Document /Scribd iPaper

Document plugin leverages Scribd’s features (www.scribd.com). Document plugin includes many features that help users manage their documents easily. Most document types (.pdf, .docx, .pptx, .xls, etc…) can be uploaded and shared among network members. In addition, documents on Scribd site can be viewed directly online without using any reading plugin / software. On-page action feature allows site admin to edit / delete / set feature to members’ documents in just a click. Also, statistic block helps promote site by highlighting total views, total likes, and total documents.
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phpFox News Feed

News Feed plugin, a RSS Feed Reader, empowers phpFox sites to auto stream popular and latest news from other sites to phpFox sites. This plugin allows users to avoid manually inspecting all of the websites they are interested in, and instead subscribe to websites such that all news content is pushed onto their phpFox sites when it becomes available. Also, news content can be updated automatically at a specific time by setting the schedule.
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phpFox Advanced Sharing

Advanced Sharing is one of the best ways for users to share any particular content on phpFox site with other members by posting it on their own walls, their friends’ walls, or on their Pages’ wall. In addition, Advanced Sharingallows users to further define who can and cannot view certain information shared on their own walls.

Key Features
Share on My Wall: allow member to share contents (feeds, blogs, videos, etc) on their own Wall
Share on Friend’s Wall: allow member to share contents (feeds, blogs, videos, etc) on their friends’ Wall
Share on Pages: allow member to share contents (feeds, blogs, videos, etc) on their Pages’ Wall
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phpFoxGuru E-Card Plugin

phpFoxGuru E-Card Plugin

Показ электронных открыток по категориям.
Отправка E-Card друзьям или электронную почту, установив дату отправки.
Интеграция с модом кредитов (бесплатно в комплекте)
Пользователь будет получать по электронной почте уведомления о E-Card.

Добавление/Управление открытками и категориями
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