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phpFox User Document /Scribd iPaper

Feedback plugin is a great tool to increase the interaction between users and your site. This plugin empowers users to voice out their opinions to help site admin to improve site content magnificently. Also, easy-to-use feedback features allow users to effectively manage their feedbacks and other members’ feedback.

- Display new layout in phpFox3 style
- Display popup: new layout of public feedback items
- Show popup details on the right panel when click on each feedback
- Add approval status to feedback (need admin to approve)
- Display feedback details: new arrangement of pictures, buttons to perform quick actions (edit, delete, add pictures)
- Allow guest to post feedbacks on site

Key Features
- Increasing the interaction between users and your phpFox site by feedbacks and responses
- Viewing / Commenting / Sharing / Reporting feedbacks
- Many configurations in Admin Control Panel: Manage User Groups, Module Settings, Feedbacks, Categories, Statuses, Severities.

Front End

- Guests
++ View most recent / most voted / most viewed / most commented / featured feedbacks
++ Post a feedback
++ View public feedbacks
++ Filter feedbacks by category
++ Search feedbacks
++ Sort feedbacks by date
++ Receive email when feedback is approved

- Members: inherits Guest’s features and has additional functions
++ Create / Edit / Delete own feedbacks
++ View / Share / Vote feedbacks
++ Comment on other feedbacks
++ Receive emails, notifications, activity points when feedback is approved
++ Set limit to number of pictures to be uploaded into own feedbacks

Back End

- Manage User Groups
++ Control number of pictures to be uploaded per feedback
++ Control file size of photos to be uploaded
++ Enable / Disable uploading picture option to feedback
++ Control number of points to be received when users post a new feedback
++ Enable / Disable posting comment option on Feedback Detail

- Module Settings
++ Control who can create feedbacks
++ Design default thank-you message to users who leave feedback on site
++ Enable / Disable Email Notification to Visitors / Guests
++ Enable / Disable Email Notification to Site Admin for every new feedback creation
++ Control time stamp for feedbacks

- Feedbacks
++ Feature / Un-feature feedbacks
++ Approve / Delete feedbacks
++ Search feedbacks using Search Filters: Keywords, Category, Status, Browse By

- Categories
++ Create / Edit / Delete categories

- Statuses
++ Create / Edit / Delete Feedback statuses

- Severities
++ Create / Edit / Delete Feedback severities

Файлы - Files:

Скачать phpFox 3 Feedback / DownLoad phpFox 3 Feedback

Версия - Version: 3.01
Версия PF - Version PF: 3+

English Version ZIP: Скачать / Download


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