SocialEngine 4.0.1

SocialEngine версии 4.0.1 теперь доступен для загрузки из клиентской области. Мы рекомендуем произвести обновление, оно включает в себя огромный пакет исправления ошибок и решения многих часто встречающихся проблем. Чтобы выполнить обновление, просто скачайте пакет с клиентской области и используйте встроенный менеджер пакетов.
SocialEngine version 4.0.1 is now available for download from the client area. We highly recommend updating, it includes a huge batch of bug fixes addressing many commonly reported issues. To upgrade, just download the package from the client area and use the built in package manager. You can find a complete changelog included in the zip file. Let us know what you think!
SocialEngine Change Log: 4.0.1
SocialEngine 4.0.1
* index.php - Added svn:keywords
* README.html - Updated readme
* application/comet.php - Removed
* application/index.php - Removed comet; modification to APPLICATION_ENV handling
* application/settings/manifest.php - Incremented version; removed comet; adding theme .htaccess to manifest files
* application/settings/my.sql - Regenerated
* application/settings/session.php - Default session cookie to not httponly to fix FancyUpload problems
* install/.htaccess - Added php_value for memory_limit and max_execution_time
* install/Bootstrap.php - Added cache, logging, routes for SDK, (future) Ning importer, and (future) v3 migration
* install/index.php - Modified handling of APPLICATION_ENV
* install/data/ - Data files for the SDK skeleton generator
* install/import/ - Importer classes for (future) Ning importer and (future) v3 migrator
* install/config/manifest.php - Incremented version
* install/controllers/AuthController.php - Fixed typo
* install/controllers/BackupController.php - (n/a)
* install/controllers/CompareController.php - (n/a)
* install/controllers/ImportController.php - (n/a)
* install/controllers/InstallController.php - Optimized execution of sql queries
* install/controllers/MigrateController.php - (n/a)
* install/controllers/SdkController.php - Added the Developer SDK
* install/controllers/UtilityController.php - Added
* install/controllers/VfsController.php - Added
* install/externals/* - Added images and styles for the Developer SDK
* install/forms/Backup/* - (n/a)
* install/forms/Migrate/* - (n/a)
* install/forms/Sdk/* - Added Developer SDK
* install/forms/VfsInfo.php - Added return url parameter
* install/layouts/scripts/default.tpl - Added Developer SDK
* install/views/helpers/PackageSelect.php - Fixed bug on deleting mis-named packages
* install/views/scripts/backup/* - (n/a)
* install/views/scripts/compare/* - (n/a)
* install/views/scripts/install/license.tpl - Incorrect link to client area
* install/views/scripts/install/sanity.tpl - Added force
* install/views/scripts/migrate/* - (n/a)
* install/views/scripts/sdk/* - Added Developer SDK
* install/views/scripts/utility/* - (n/a)
* install/views/scripts/vfs/* - (n/a)
* install/views/scripts/_rawError.tpl - Error page for bootstrap errors
* temporary/package/compare/ - (n/a)
* temporary/package/sdk/ - Added Developer SDK
* externals/tinymce/* - Upgraded from version to 3.3.8; See tinymce's site for details
* application/libraries/Engine/Comet.php - Disabled, pending restructuring
* application/libraries/Engine/Loader.php - DS to DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR
* application/libraries/Engine/manifest.php - Incremented version
* application/libraries/Engine/Comet/* - Disabled, pending restructuring
* application/libraries/Engine/Db/Mysql.php - Several bug fixes
* application/libraries/Engine/Observer/Callback.php - Added svn:keywords
* application/libraries/Engine/Observer/Exception.php - Added svn:keywords
* application/libraries/Engine/Package/Archive.php - Increased exception verbosity
* application/libraries/Engine/Package/Utilities.php - Switched sql split method from pcre- to position-based; increased exception verbosity
* application/libraries/Engine/Package/Installer/Module.php - Fixed problem with installing/upgrading when there is no corresponding sql file
* application/libraries/Engine/Package/Manifest/Entity/Meta.php - Added svn:keywords
* application/libraries/Engine/Stream/* - Several bug fixes
* application/libraries/Engine/Translate/Writer/Csv.php - Added chmod to prevent permissions problems
* application/libraries/Engine/Vfs/Adapter/Abstract.php - Fixed problem caused by checking arguments in the wrong order
* application/libraries/Engine/Vfs/Adapter/Exception.php - Added svn:keywords
* application/libraries/Engine/Vfs/Adapter/Ftp.php - Fixed BSD detection problem; fixed directory listing parsing problem on some FTP servers; added mkdir to put method; modified changeDirectory to work without an active FTP connection
* application/libraries/Engine/Vfs/Adapter/Ssh.php - Fixed BSD detection problem
* application/libraries/Engine/Vfs/Adapter/System.php - Fixed BSD detection problem
* application/libraries/Engine/Vfs/Directory/Standard.php - Added svn:keywords
* application/libraries/Engine/Vfs/Info/* - Added svn:keywords
* application/libraries/Engine/Vfs/Object/* - Added svn:keywords
* application/libraries/Engine/Vfs/Object/Ssh.php - Fixed typo
* application/libraries/Engine/Vfs/Stream/* - Added svn:keywords
* application/libraries/Engine/View/Helper/FormMultiCheckbox.php - Fixed problem where required attribute would not work properly in the field system for multi select fields
* application/libraries/Engine/View/Helper/FormTinyMce.php - Mobile browsers will now fall back to a textarea
* application/libraries/Zend/manifest.php - Incremented version
* application/libraries/Zend/Db/Select.php - PHP 5.1 compatibility fix
* application/modules/Activity/Model/DbTable/Notifications.php - Fixes problem with notifications from disabled modules
* application/modules/Activity/Plugin/Core.php - Fixes problem with properly detecting the page subject and handles items without parents properly
* application/modules/Activity/settings/manifest.php - Incremented version
* application/modules/Activity/views/scripts/notifications/index.tpl - Fixes problem with notifications from disabled modules
* application/modules/Activity/widgets/list-requests/index.tpl - Fixes problem with notifications from disabled modules
* application/modules/Announcement/settings/manifest.php - Incremented version
* application/modules/Announcement/widgets/list-announcements/index.tpl - Switched array to paginator
* application/modules/Authorization/Form/Admin/Level/Edit.php - Storage quotas are now level-based
* application/modules/Authorization/settings/manifest.php - Incremented version
* application/modules/Core/Bootstrap.php - Session cookie defaults to not httponly to solve FancyUpload problems
* application/modules/Core/Api/Ad.php - Better cleanup of temporary files
* application/modules/Core/Api/Mail.php - Enhanced queueing functionality
* application/modules/Core/controllers/AdminAuthController.php - Added return url
* application/modules/Core/controllers/AdminFilesController.php - Disallowed uploading of php files
* application/modules/Core/controllers/AdminMessageController.php - Added email of all users
* application/modules/Core/controllers/AdminReportController.php - Consistency
* application/modules/Core/controllers/AdminSettingsController.php - Added configuration of mail transport
* application/modules/Core/controllers/ErrorController.php - Added case in requireuser for facebook login
* application/modules/Core/Form/Report.php - Added new report categories
* application/modules/Core/Form/Admin/Auth/Login.php - Added return url
* application/modules/Core/Form/Admin/Language/Create.php - Fix notice messages in creating language vars
* application/modules/Core/Form/Admin/Message/Mail.php - Added email of all users
* application/modules/Core/Form/Admin/Settings/Email.php - Added setting to enable/disable queueing
* application/modules/Core/Model/Adcampaign.php - Adds checking for campaign start time
* application/modules/Core/Model/DbTable/Tasks.php - Fixed possible bug in acquiring trigger lock
* application/modules/Core/Model/Item/Abstract.php - Adjustments for trial and in cases of orphan items system handles missing owner more gracefully
* application/modules/Core/settings/manifest.php - Incremented version
* application/modules/Core/settings/my-upgrade-4.0.0-4.0.1.sql - Added
* application/modules/Core/settings/my.sql - Removed comet settings; enhanced mail queue functionality; added menu item for email all members
* application/modules/Core/views/scripts/admin-content/index.tpl - Fixed bug that prevented editing settings for widgets in a tabbed content block
* application/modules/Core/views/scripts/admin-language/edit.tpl - Fixed problem with pagination
* application/modules/Core/views/scripts/admin-message/mail.tpl - Added email of all users
* application/modules/Core/views/scripts/admin-settings/email.tpl - Added configuration of mail transport
* application/modules/Core/views/scripts/admin-stats/referrers.tpl - GET -> POST
* application/modules/Core/widgets/ad-campaign/Controller.php - Adds checking for campaign start time
* application/modules/Fields/Controller/AdminAbstract.php - Fixed error caused when trying to link field to parent when it had already been linked; cache is flushed on changing of order
* application/modules/Fields/Form/Search.php - Required caused field to be required on search; fixed improper inflection on field types
* application/modules/Fields/Model/DbTable/Abstract.php - Added public flushCache method
* application/modules/Fields/Model/DbTable/Maps.php - Field is now deleted when last map is removed
* application/modules/Fields/Model/DbTable/Search.php - Fixed "typo" that would cause search index to not get removed on field deletion
* application/modules/Fields/settings/manifest.php - Incremented version
* application/modules/Fields/View/Helper/FieldFacebook.php - Fixed bad rendering of facebook link when given a URL instead of a profile name
* application/modules/HelloWorld/Model/HelloWorld.php - Better cleanup of temporary files
* application/modules/HelloWorld/settings/manifest.php - Incremented version
* application/modules/Messages/controllers/AdminSettingsController.php - Fixed problem in level select
* application/modules/Messages/controllers/MessagesController.php - Changed json_encode to Zend_Json::encode
* application/modules/Messages/settings/manifest.php - Incremented version
* application/modules/Network/controllers/AdminManageController.php - Added missing pagination
* application/modules/Network/settings/manifest.php - Incremented version
* application/modules/Network/views/scripts/admin-manage/index.tpl - Added missing pagination
* application/modules/Network/network.csv - Repair to invalid language string.
* application/modules/Storage/Api/Storage.php - Storage quotas are now configured by member level
* application/modules/Storage/settings/manifest.php - Incremented version
* application/modules/Storage/views/scripts/upload/upload.tpl - Fixed IE JS bug
* application/modules/User/Api/Core.php - Adjustments for trial
* application/modules/User/controllers/AdminManageController.php - Delete now run in transaction
* application/modules/User/controllers/AdminSettingsController.php - Fixed problem in level select
* application/modules/User/controllers/AuthController.php - Facebook fixes; adjustments for trial; faster sending of verification email
* application/modules/User/controllers/EditController.php - Better cleanup of temporary files and bug fix for making a profile picture
* application/modules/User/controllers/IndexController.php - Better exception throwing in Facebook module
* application/modules/User/controllers/SettingsController.php - Fixes forced logout bug when changing email address
* application/modules/User/controllers/SignupController.php - Fixed bug in resend of verification email
* application/modules/User/externals/styles/main.css - Style fixes
* application/modules/User/Form/Login.php - Facebook login bug fixes
* application/modules/User/Model/User.php - Better cleanup of temporary files
* application/modules/User/Model/DbTable/Facebook.php - Facebook login refresh bug fix; Facebook wall post fix
* application/modules/User/Plugin/Signup/Photo.php - Better cleanup of temporary files
* application/modules/User/settings/manifest.php - Incremented version
* application/modules/User/widgets/profile-tags/Controller.php - Fixed typos
* application/themes/bamboo/manifest.php - Incremented version
* application/themes/bamboo/theme.css - Uses fixed relative URL support in Scaffold
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