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SEO Tools plugin - SEO Инструменты

SEO Tools plugin - SEO Инструменты

SEO Tools plugin - SEO Инструменты. Набор инструментов для SEO оптимизации с поддержкой Google Analytics.

This plugin lets you change the website pages' title, keywords, description to enhance SEO. It is easy in use and very useful tool which can help you to increase traffic to your site.
Also Seo Tools plugin allows you to put any wished code or even Google Analytics Tracking Code.

Seo Tool plugin features:
Page Title. You can set title for any wished page and it will be shown within title html tag
META Keywords. You can set keywords for any wished page and they will be shown in META tag with keywords attribute
META Description. You can set description for any wished page and it will be shown in META tag with description attribute
Custom code. You can put any wished code: HTML, CSS and JS code
Google Analytics. You can easily put Google Analytics tracking code into SocialEngine standard pages

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