SocialEngine 4.1 BETA Релиз с Платным Членством

Всем привет. Закончилась разработка SE 4.1 Beta, мы знаем, что многие из вас ждали с нетерпением это обновление. SE 4,1 вводит новые способы дохода с помощью вашего сообщества. Мы знаем, что монетизация трафика у нишевых социальных сетей может занять некоторое время, особенно реклама, поэтому мы решили предоставить дополнительные инструменты, которые предлагают альтернативы для тех из вас, кто предпочел бы, повысить доходы от сообщества без или в дополнение к рекламе.
Помимо ключевых функций в этой новой версии появилось платное членство, которое позволяет взимать с пользователей плату за доступ к вашей социальной сети. Мы разработали биллинговую систему для размещения платежной системы, включая варианты взимания с пользователей платы одноразовый взнос, периодические ежемесячные/ежегодные сборы за доступ. Пожалуйста, имейте в виду, что этот релиз бета-версия, а финальная 4.1.1 версия будет выпущена в течение двух недель. Для тех из вас, кто стремится добавить платное членство или в настоящее время имеет проблемы, мы рекомендуем вам обновиться до 4.1 Beta. Мы настоятельно рекомендуем Вам, проверить 4.1 Beta на локальном компьютере перед началом использования в боевых условиях. Если вы не спишите обновляться, то рекомендуем дождаться выхода SocialEngine 4.1.1 в течение двух недель.
По умолчанию, платежи могут быть обработаны с помощью двух платежных систем PayPal и 2checkout, но вы можете разработать свой модуль для нужной вам платежной системы. Членство в 2checkout, является платным (49 долларов), но для пользователей SE существует возможность бесплатного использования. Подробности 2checkout и PayPal можно узнать перейдя по ссылкам.
Для тех из вас, кто хочет добавить платное членство в своё сообщество, но не уверен в своих силах, не волнуйтесь в течение двух недель выйдет обучающий урок с пошаговой инструкцией.
Помимо платного членства, SE 4.1 также включает в себя множество исправлений ошибок и незначительные улучшения всей платформы. SE клиенты могут скачать новый релиз в клиентской области. Мы искренне надеемся, что вам понравится SE 4.1 Beta, и мы с нетерпением ждем выхода SE 4.1.1 в течение двух недель.
Good news everyone. We've finished developing the SE 4.1 BETA - a major update that I know many of you have been awaiting eagerly. SE 4.1 introduces an interesting new way to help you monetize your community. We know that monetizing traffic on niche social websites can take some work, especially with advertising-based methods, so we've decided to build in some tools that offer alternatives to those of you who would prefer to monetize your community without (or in addition to) advertising.
The key feature addition in this new version is membership billing, which allows you to charge users for access to your social network. We designed the billing system to accommodate most basic pay-for-access billing models, including options to charge users either a one-time fee or recurring monthly/yearly fees for access. Please keep in mind that this release is a BETA version and a full 4.1.1 version will be released in two weeks. To those of you who are eager to add membership billing or are currently dealing with a bug, we suggest that you upgrade to the 4.1 BETA. We highly suggest that you setup and carefully test your membership billing features on a secondary installation of SE before making the changes live to your actual users. If youâ?™re fine with your current installation and donâ?™t see a need to upgrade immediately, we suggest that you wait until the full 4.1.1 release in two weeks.
By default, payments can be processed through either of the two payment gateways weâ?™ve included: 2checkout and PayPal. We know that some of you would prefer to use alternative gateways, and we are considering adding others in the future, but we decided to stick with just these two for the SE 4.1 release to keep development moving quickly. If neither of these gateways are suitable for your community, youâ?™re welcome to modify the source code to add support for an alternative payment gateway. Weâ?™ll considering adding support for other gateways in the future, so if you would like to suggest one, please feel free to post a comment with your suggestion. Those of you who are developing third-party addons for SocialEngine might consider building and selling your own modules that add support for alternative gateways.
If you decide to add membership billing to your community, we suggest that you enable payments through 2checkout first. The 2checkout gateway supports payments from more countries and offers excellent personal service to SE clients â?“ they also give users the option to pay via PayPal if they wish. 2checkout typically charges a $49 setup fee, but weâ?™ve partnered with them to waive this fee for SocialEngine clients. Visit 2checkout's SocialEngine page to sign up. To ensure that your $49 setup fee is waived, select the â?œMailed Checkâ?� option during the signup process and they will provide you with a Vendor ID. Then, email your Vendor ID and SocialEngine license key to and a 2checkout representative will personally setup your account. If you would prefer to use PayPal instead of 2checkout and donâ?™t yet have an account, you can create one at PayPal's website.
To those of you who want to add membership billing to your community but feel a bit daunted about the process of setting it up, don't worry - we'll be publishing a tutorial in our knowledgebase next week with some step-by-step instructions.
Aside from membership billing, SE 4.1 also includes a variety of bug fixes and minor layout improvements throughout the platform. SE clients can download the new release from our client area. We sincerely hope you all have a good experience with the SE 4.1 BETA, and we look forward to releasing SE 4.1.1 in two weeks.
The key feature addition in this new version is membership billing, which allows you to charge users for access to your social network. We designed the billing system to accommodate most basic pay-for-access billing models, including options to charge users either a one-time fee or recurring monthly/yearly fees for access. Please keep in mind that this release is a BETA version and a full 4.1.1 version will be released in two weeks. To those of you who are eager to add membership billing or are currently dealing with a bug, we suggest that you upgrade to the 4.1 BETA. We highly suggest that you setup and carefully test your membership billing features on a secondary installation of SE before making the changes live to your actual users. If youâ?™re fine with your current installation and donâ?™t see a need to upgrade immediately, we suggest that you wait until the full 4.1.1 release in two weeks.
By default, payments can be processed through either of the two payment gateways weâ?™ve included: 2checkout and PayPal. We know that some of you would prefer to use alternative gateways, and we are considering adding others in the future, but we decided to stick with just these two for the SE 4.1 release to keep development moving quickly. If neither of these gateways are suitable for your community, youâ?™re welcome to modify the source code to add support for an alternative payment gateway. Weâ?™ll considering adding support for other gateways in the future, so if you would like to suggest one, please feel free to post a comment with your suggestion. Those of you who are developing third-party addons for SocialEngine might consider building and selling your own modules that add support for alternative gateways.
If you decide to add membership billing to your community, we suggest that you enable payments through 2checkout first. The 2checkout gateway supports payments from more countries and offers excellent personal service to SE clients â?“ they also give users the option to pay via PayPal if they wish. 2checkout typically charges a $49 setup fee, but weâ?™ve partnered with them to waive this fee for SocialEngine clients. Visit 2checkout's SocialEngine page to sign up. To ensure that your $49 setup fee is waived, select the â?œMailed Checkâ?� option during the signup process and they will provide you with a Vendor ID. Then, email your Vendor ID and SocialEngine license key to and a 2checkout representative will personally setup your account. If you would prefer to use PayPal instead of 2checkout and donâ?™t yet have an account, you can create one at PayPal's website.
To those of you who want to add membership billing to your community but feel a bit daunted about the process of setting it up, don't worry - we'll be publishing a tutorial in our knowledgebase next week with some step-by-step instructions.
Aside from membership billing, SE 4.1 also includes a variety of bug fixes and minor layout improvements throughout the platform. SE clients can download the new release from our client area. We sincerely hope you all have a good experience with the SE 4.1 BETA, and we look forward to releasing SE 4.1.1 in two weeks.