VKontakte Theme
White Ice Theme
Красивая Страница для ошибки 404
Creative Unity Theme
YouRed Template
YouRed Template makes your website look more interesting and suitable for both formal and professional/classic styles. YouRed is well-built in a full energy appearance in red color, well-proportioned layout for header and footer. The Template can be installed easily with some minutes.
Modules (all SE modules): Blog, Music, Event , Photo, Group, Classified, Video, Poll, Forum, Chat
Advanced Home: Drag and drop block contents ( Blogs, Albums, Events,..) as Widgets in Home Page
SE compatibility: 4.1.2+
SE4 Demo: http://demo.modules2buy.com/youred_se4
Tested browsers: IE7, IE8, Firefox, Safari,Chrome
Youschool Template
Новые бесплатные темы в SocialEngine 4.1.4!
В понедельник состоялся релиз SocialEngine 4.1.4, но мы забыли упомянуть! В SE 4.1.4 поставляется с двумя новыми бесплатными шаблонами, которые создал дизайнер Bryan: Digita and Slipstream
Если у вас уже есть SE, обновленая до 4.1.4 сделайте эти темы, доступными на вашем сайте. Наслаждайтесь!
PaperFace Theme
Theme Features
* User friendly, clear interface, easy to use
* Replaces text logo with an Image Logo
* Nice arrow hover effect for the main menu
* Easy installation with our step by step guide
* Compatible with SocialEngine V4.+, and all plugins
* Tested with all modern browsers
* Unlimited Support for your theme
ONE Theme
ONE THEME is tested on SE4.1.3 and compilation result from YOURS and facebuzz3. No error with this theme. If needed, please configure by your self. Actually, I am busy; I only want to share my work in SEF. There are no supports for this theme without your support. Sorry about the site logo. I am not remove it yet before theme uploading.
Japan Theme
Japan Theme is for SE4. In home page look like the screenshot. If cursor point to logo, you can see the title of logo. You can change with your site's slogan.
SE Azure 4.0.5

Совместимость: Internet Explorer 7, Internet Explorer 8, Firefox 2, Firefox 3, Safari, Chrome, Opera
Описание: Azure это тема для SocialEngine V4 которая превратит ваш сайт в лучших сообщества в сети!