SocialEngine 4 Public Beta

Это случилось! SocialEngine Public Beta 4 выпущен в свет. Если Вы являетесь клиентом, вы сможете найти ссылку для загрузки в клиентской области официального сайта, если нет, то SocEngine.Ru предлагает Вам скачать. Инструкции по установке содержатся в файле README.
Имейте в виду, что это бета-версия и она предлагается только для тестирования. Это означает, что вас могут ожидать ошибки и обновления в ближайшие несколько недель. Мы не будет оказывать поддержку бета-версии и настоятельно рекомендуем вам дождаться окончательного релиза, если вы планируете использовать его в работе веб-сайта. Но, вы можете использовать бета-версию, чтобы начать работать над своим новым шаблоном, ибо сильных изменений в работе с шаблонами к финалу не предвидится.
Good news! SocialEngine 4 Public Beta has been released. If you're a current client, you'll find the download links are now available from the client area in a big conspicuous yellow box. The installation instructions are contained in the zip files, along with some other helpful information to get you started.
Keep in mind that this is an early release intended mainly for testing. That means you can expect bugs and updates in the coming weeks as we iron out the the kinks. We won't be providing support for the beta and strongly recommend that you wait for the final release if you plan on using it on a production website. However, you CAN use the beta to start working on your new layout and theme, as there won't be drastic changes from the beta theme to the final version.
We'd like to thank everyone that helped us out on the preview. It's been an amazing experience developing SocialEngine 4 with your help and everyone had a hand in helping shape the face of SE4. We're proud of the end product and hope you love using it as much as we've enjoyed making it. I guess what we're trying to say is that we love you. In a purely platonic way of course, but it's love nonetheless.
It's late here and it's been quite a day finishing up the Beta so we're all going to head home to catch some sleep but let us know what you think and we look forward to bringing you the full version soon!
- SocialEngine Team
Keep in mind that this is an early release intended mainly for testing. That means you can expect bugs and updates in the coming weeks as we iron out the the kinks. We won't be providing support for the beta and strongly recommend that you wait for the final release if you plan on using it on a production website. However, you CAN use the beta to start working on your new layout and theme, as there won't be drastic changes from the beta theme to the final version.
We'd like to thank everyone that helped us out on the preview. It's been an amazing experience developing SocialEngine 4 with your help and everyone had a hand in helping shape the face of SE4. We're proud of the end product and hope you love using it as much as we've enjoyed making it. I guess what we're trying to say is that we love you. In a purely platonic way of course, but it's love nonetheless.
It's late here and it's been quite a day finishing up the Beta so we're all going to head home to catch some sleep but let us know what you think and we look forward to bringing you the full version soon!
- SocialEngine Team
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Версия - Version: Public Beta 1
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