Arcade with Highscores, MochiMedia, and Multiplayer - Russia
Обновленная русская версия плагина Arcade with Highscores.

With a single click, you can add 14,000+ games without having to upload a single file!
Supports v32 Games
Supports IbPro Games
Supports MochiMedia Games
Supports MochiMedia Multiplayer Games (over 100 multiplayer games!)
Supports MochiMedia Game Ads (make money every time a game is played on your site!)
Game comments
Game news, challenge, and high scores updates posted on user and homepage "Updates" feeds.
Highscores and Leaderboards
Game search, arcade stats, top users, and game news portable blocks
User to user challenges
Quick category changer - makes organizing games very easy
SEO Optimized Page titles for games, categories, and highscores
Users can place their favorite games on their profile! (optional)
New Design including Featured Games Slideshow
Homepage Sidebox of Featured Games
Supports v32 Games
Supports IbPro Games
Supports MochiMedia Games
Supports MochiMedia Multiplayer Games (over 100 multiplayer games!)
Supports MochiMedia Game Ads (make money every time a game is played on your site!)
Game comments
Game news, challenge, and high scores updates posted on user and homepage "Updates" feeds.
Highscores and Leaderboards
Game search, arcade stats, top users, and game news portable blocks
User to user challenges
Quick category changer - makes organizing games very easy
SEO Optimized Page titles for games, categories, and highscores
Users can place their favorite games on their profile! (optional)
New Design including Featured Games Slideshow
Homepage Sidebox of Featured Games
Файлы - Files:
Скачать SocialEngine Arcade with Highscores, MochiMedia, and Multiplayer Plugin / DownLoad SocialEngine Arcade with Highscores, MochiMedia, and Multiplayer Plugin
Версия - Version: 1.3
Версия SE - Version SE: 3.18+
English Version RAR: Скачать / Download